SUMMER FUN   18 months – 6 years old
Program Information

Special Characteristics:
Outstanding outdoor learning environment
Highly qualified, dedicated and caring educators
1 FREE Custom-Designed Summer Fun Shirt
Bus Service in the Morning and Afternoon

School Hours:
Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 2:20 p.m.
Drop-off Time: 9:00 a.m. - 9:20 a.m.
Pick-up Time: 2:20 p.m. - 2:40 p.m.
After School Care is available until 6:30 p.m.

Age Group:
18 months – 6 years old

Enrollment Requirements:
Children born before September 1, 2021 must be toilet-trained
Children born before September 1, 2021 must not have separation anxiety with guardians

Classes and Fees:
Session 1: July 8 - July 26 (No School on Monday, July 15)
Tuition Fee: 254,100 yen

Session 1: July 8 - July 12
Session 2: July 16 - July 19 (No School on Monday, July 15)
Session 3: July 22 - July 26
Tuition Fee for Sessions 1 and 3: 77,000 yen per session
Tuition Fee for Session 2: 61,600 yen

Session 1: July 8 - July 12
Session 2: July 16 - July 19 (No School on Monday, July 15)
Session 3: July 22 - July 26
Tuition Fee for Sessions 1 and 3: 77,000 yen per session
Tuition Fee for Session 2: 61,600 yen

Class Placement:
As much as we try to place a child in a class with children of the same age, there are times when it’s in the best interest of the child to place him or her in a lower or higher class based on his or her language ability and/or social maturity. The Principal will make all final decisions regarding class placement.

After School Care:
After School Care (ASC) is offered to all students in Toddler, Junior, and Senior classes. During ASC, children are cared for by our experienced and nurturing staff as they explore and learn both indoors and outdoors. ASC is available until 6:30 p.m. during Summer Fun.
Time Frame #1: 2:40 - 5:00 p.m.
Tuition Fee: 23,100 yen per week
Time Frame #2: 2:40 - 6:30 p.m.
Tuition Fee: 37,400 yen per week

Cancellation and Refunds:
Summer Fun enrollment may be cancelled at any time, but keep in mind that the following fees will be charged:
Toddler Class: 100,440 yen
Junior Class - Sessions 1 and 3: 30,800 yen per session
Junior Class - Session 2: 24,640 yen
Senior Class - Sessions 1 and 3: 30,800 yen per session
Senior Class - Session 2: 24,640 yen
After School Care - Time Frame #1: 9,240 yen per week
After School Care - Time Frame #2: 14,960 yen per week
After the cancellation fee has been deducted, the balance of the original amount paid will be refunded provided that Summer Fun enrollment is cancelled by email before 12:00 noon on Friday, May 31. Refunds will not be given in cases where Summer Fun enrollment is cancelled after this time.
If school is cancelled due to a natural disaster or in the event that emergency policies are enacted in response to an epidemic such as COVID-19, KPIS will adhere to the following refund policy for both tuition and bus service fees per week:
1 cancelled day = No refund
2 cancelled days = 20% refund
3 cancelled days = 40% refund
4 cancelled days = 60% refund
5 cancelled days = 80% refund

Bus Service:
Our popular and convenient bus service during Summer Fun is available in the mornings and afternoons. Bus service fees are listed below for your reference.
One-Way: 2,750 yen
Two-Ways: 5,500 yen

One-Way: 5,500 yen
Two-Ways: 11,000 yen

One-Way: 8,250 yen
Two-Ways: 16,500 yen

Seats on the bus are very limited in the summer, and we highly recommend that you email the school at as soon as possible to reserve a seat if you are interested.
Bus Service during Summer Fun may be cancelled, but a 40% cancellation fee of the aforementioned fees will be charged. After the cancellation fee for Bus Service has been deducted, the balance of the original amount paid will be refunded provided that the cancellation was made by email before 12:00 noon on Friday, May 31. Refunds will not be given in cases where Bus Service is cancelled after this time.